Interview with Sprint Biosciences CEO Johan Emilsson about the participation at Bio International Convention 2024

The partnering conference Bio International Convention was held June 3–6 in San Diego, California. Sprint Biosciences CEO Johan Emilsson was present.

What general impressions do you take home from the conference?
It’s pretty much always high pressure at this conference. It is one of the largest and most prestigious partnering conferences in biotechnology and pharmaceutical development with thousands of participants from all over the world. The meeting brings together investors, researchers, industry leaders and potential partners, all with a strong desire to discover the latest innovations and technologies in biotechnology. The high concentration of industry players creates a dynamic and exciting environment for discussing the medical solutions of the future.

And how big was the interest in Sprint Bioscience?
Large. With the positive development we have in our programs, we see an increased interest in meeting with us and discussing the potential our programs provide. Already at an early stage before the conference started, we had many scheduled meetings with interested companies.

What have been your main goals with the conference?
Above all, we were there to present our latest research results to potential partners and at the same time make new contacts and deepen existing relationships. In addition, we see the conference as an important forum to stay updated on the latest trends and innovations in the biotechnology sector.

When you market your programs, what makes Sprint Bioscience unique?
We distinguish ourselves by being very quick to identify and develop new therapeutic opportunities in areas with great medical needs. We focus on innovative, small-molecule drugs and have an efficient platform for drug development. We have an experienced science team and collaborate with leading academic institutions to maximize our success. Our unique combination of technical expertise and early out-licensing makes us an attractive player in the sector.

What does the future look like after the conference?
We look forward to building on the contacts and opportunities that have developed during the conference. We continue our work to deliver high-quality research results and to pave the way for our programs towards clinic.